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Summary  This is an interactive virtual reality 360 degree film which is designed to help people living with Dementia in the UK. The Wayback platform is designed to trigger memories and create connections for those effected by
the disease and their loved ones.   The ‘Wayback’ film will launch with us re-creating a street party from 2nd June 1953 that would’ve taken place during the Queen’s coronation. See the below link to see the kickstarter teaser film for further information:   The film will be shot over 2 days on location in London and production will dress the cast in 1950s wardrobe.  This is a really inspiring and influential project and something that is very close to the Director (Kevin Thomas) and the creative’s hearts. This project is a passion project and all funds have been donated via the crowd funding website Kickstarter. Due to the limited budget, everyone (from Director, runner and all our cast) will work for free.   For more information on Wayback.

Shoot: 31st May & 1st June  Not all cast members will be needed on both daysbut everyone submitted  should be currently available for both days. Thelocation is in Islington (near the Arsenal Football Stadium). All cast  willneed to make their own way to the location on the shoot day.Fee  This project is funded solely by Kickstarter and all cast & crew areworking for free.  As such, we are unable to pay the talent but they will ofcourse be fed on the day.  This is a really inspiring project for a greatcause and we hope that people will want to get involved!Suggestions please for:CORONATION DAY CHARACTERS (Male or female)  We are looking to cast a rangeof characters to play people in 1953 England on the day of the Queen’sCoronation. They are having a street p

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