AFRICAN BETTING COMPANY (affiliated to Premier League)

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I am casting 3 young East African people for an African betting company
which is affiliated with the Premier League. The 3 Kenyan friends are are
attending a Premier League game…. the trip of a
lifetime! They are young, happy, attractive people.

Would be great if your suggestions actually like football but this is not a

As the countries that this spot is targeting are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania –
please can your suggestions be from these countries (as opposed to North or
West Africa) – the pic refs may not have
people from these countries however they are a guideline

Shoot: Boda Boda guy 11th April, 13th April and 3rd day in April TBC
Kenyan man 1 day in April TBC
Kenyan woman 1 day in April TBC

Production location: London, Southampton and
TBC, United Kingdom

Fee: see below


A Boda Boda is an African Taxi – the character has an entrepreneurial
spirit – bit of a wide boy, aspirational and handsome.
Age :25/30
Successful, cheerful, an entrepreneur who loves football (especially the
EPL) he has travelled from
Kenya to this game with his best friend and his sister (she is also his best
mates girlfriend) He has made a bet on the match, because it matters more
when you put money on it…. He has used his favourite betting company

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